List in Python: How list function making funniest things in python

Created by admin In Digital Technology 11 January 2023

List in Python: How list function making funniest things in python?

Do you wish to learn list function in Python? In this blog, I go into great detail on how list performing funniest things in Python, which is a key data structure used in Python programmes.

Python is an interpreter, Object oriented high level programming language. Python is general purpose and open source language. Large number of library files available in Python. Python can be used on a server to create web applications. Python can connect to database system. It can handle big data and perform complex mathematics.

One of Python's built-in data structures is the list. It can store values of many data kinds and is shown as a group of data points enclosed in square brackets. Knowing how to handle and interact with the Python list is crucial for creating effective Python applications since it is a flexible and effective data structure.

Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Or Collection of values in different types. List is sequence based data type. It is built-in data type. Built-in functions more compared to tuple. List uses the square brackets [  ]. To separate two items, you use a comma ( , ) Element of the list can access by index. List is mutable(Changeable), ordered and list items can be changed or modified.  Python allows larger memory to list.

Python has a number of List features;

  1. Append
  2. Length
  3. Pop
  4. Maximum
  5. Minimum
  6. Copy
  7. Remove
  8. Sort
  9. Insert
  10. Index
  11. Extend
  12. Clear
  13. Count
  14. Reverse Sort

Following are some frequently used List functions:

1. Append():

2. Remove():

3. Index():

4. Pop():

5. Insert():

6. Count():

7. Reverse():

8. Maximum & Minimum():

9. Sort():

10. Sort Reverse():