Many Ways to Print Hello World

Created by admin In Digital Technology 14 January 2023

Many Ways to Print Hello World - Computer Programming Language

Languages for computer programming are used to give instructions to a computer. Each of the programming language constructs' meanings is defined by a set of syntactic and semantic rules. I've compiled a list of all programming languages as of late. I categorized them into the following groups:

  1. Programming Languages - C
  2. Programming Languages - C++
  3. Programming Languages - Java
  4. Programming Languages - Python
  5. Programming Languages - Java Script
  6. Programming Languages - PHP
  7. Programming Languages - C#
  8. Programming Languages - Fortran
  9. Programming Languages - Ruby
  10. Programming Languages - Ada

1. C:

print("Hello World");

2. C++:

cout<<"Hello World!"

3. Java:

System.out.println("Hello World!");

4. Python:

print("Hello World")

5. Java Script:

console.log("Hello World!");

6. PHP:

echo "Hello World!";

7. C#:

System.console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

8. Fortran:

print*,"Hello, World"

9. Ruby:

puts "Hello World"

10. Ada:

Put_Line("Hello World!");

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